Women’s Sexual Organs – Female Reproductive System

Sep 10, 2014 0 Comments in Infertility by
Women’s Sexual Organs – Female Reproductive System

Women’s Sexual Organs – Body Anatomy

The female reproductive system comprises female sexual organs, which include vagina, vulva, ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, breasts, and mammary glands, all of which are involved in the production of gametes and sex hormones. The fertilization of ova by sperm takes place in the reproductive system, which supports the development of offspring.

Female Reproductive System


Ovaries are a pair of small glands located on either sides of the pelvic body cavity. These glands are responsible for the production of sex hormones, including progesterone and estrogen. The as ova or female eggs are also produced in the ovaries from oocyte cells that develop throughout adulthood and reach maturity after puberty. Ovulation produces a mature ovum every month, which passes from the ovary to the fallopian tube.


Uterus is a key organ in the female body anatomy that supports the fetus during pregnancy. Also known as the womb, the muscular, hollow-shaped organ touches the urinary bladder with one end connected to the vagina. The two fallopian tubes that play a big part in sperm movement connect the other end of the uterus. In the initial stages of pregnancy, the inner lining of the uterus support the embryo. During childbirth, there is contraction in the visceral muscles to push the fetus out of the vagina.


Vagina connects the uterus on one side and urinary bladder on the other. Also known as the birth canal, the elastic, muscular tube acts as a connecting link between the uterus cervix and the body’s exterior.  During sexual intercourse, vagina receives the penis and carries sperm to the fallopian tubes and uterus. At the time of childbirth, the vagina stretches to facilitate delivery of the fetus.

Fallopian Tubes:

Fallopian Tubes, as their name suggests, are a pair of muscular tubes that carry the egg from the ovaries to the uterus. Also known as oviduct, the fallopian tubes end in the infundibulum – a funnel-shaped structure in the female body anatomy covered with tiny finger-like projections. The cilia cover the inside of each fallopian tube and help in the transport of ovum to the uterus.


Vulva is a collective name for external genital organs in the pubic region, encircling the vagina and the outer ends of the urethral opening. It includes the clitoris, labia majora, mons pubis, and labia minora.
– The mons pubis is an elevated layer of adipose tissue between the pubic bone and skin that cushion the vulva.
– It splits into halves, known as the labia majora, covered with pubic hair.
– The interior end of labia majora is known as labia minora – the hairless folds of skin.
– Connecting the superior end of labia minora is the clitoris – which is a small mass of erectile tissue.


Breasts are the prime female sexual organs that contain adipose tissue, milk ducts, and mammary glands. In the center of the breast is the highly pigmented part, known as areola, with the nipple located in the middle. While the mammary glands produce milk, the milk ducts pass it to the nipple, which releases it for breastfeeding, and the areola acts as a cushion for the underlying tissues. Mammary glands become active within each breast during pregnancy, and continue to produce milk until it is no longer needed.

female sexual organ image
