Men’s Sexual Organs – Male Reproductive System

Sep 8, 2014 0 Comments in Infertility by
Men’s Sexual Organs – Male Reproductive System

Men’s Sexual Organs – Male Reproductive System

The male reproductive system comprises all sexual organs, including testes, penis, spermatic ducts, scrotum, and sex glands, which work together during sexual intercourse to produce sperm, semen, and cells for procreation. All of these male sexual organs play a role in delivering semen into the vagina of a female, where it can fertilize egg cells for reproduction.

Male Reproductive System


Glans is the head of the penis covered by the prepuce or foreskin in normal situations, except when erection is achieved.


Corona is a highly sensitive part of the penis, which is in the form of a ridge of flesh where the shaft and head of the penis join.


Frenulum is a layer of flesh underneath the penis linking the shaft to the head.


Testes, also known as Testicles, are one of the most important male sexual organs that produce 150 million sperm within 24 hours. These glands, lie within the scrotum to produce testosterone and sperm. Each testis is an ellipsoid glandular organ that comprises about a kilometer of ducts that generate sperm. Ducts are also called seminiferous tubules.


Scrotum is a pouch-like sac made of muscles, which hangs below the penis in the public region. This male reproductive organ is divided into two side by side pouches – each of which encases the testes and male sexual glands. The scrotum’s main function is to maintain the temperature within the testes at 34 C, which is the ideal for the effective production of sperm. When the testes become too warm, the scrotum relaxes and moves the testes away from the body heat. When the temperature drops down, the scrotum contracts and moves testes closer to the core of the body.


Epididymis is a tightly coiled mass of long, thin tubes that wrap around the edge of the testes and stores the sperm produced in the testes. The release of the sperm is delayed due to the length of the epididymis, allowing them time to mature. From here, the mature sperm are passed through male sexual organs.


Urethra is an important part of the male body anatomy, which is in the form of an opening at the external urethral orifice. The urethra allows the urine and semen to pass. After passing through the prostate, this 8-10-inch-long muscular tube ends at the tip of the penis.


Prostate is responsible for producing fluid that makes up the semen. The walnut-sized male sexual organ encircles the urethra and the bladder’s inferior end. The fluid produced by the prostate is a rich blend of proteins, enzymes, and other chemicals, all of which are crucial for supporting and protecting sperm during ejaculation. The smooth muscle tissue in the prostate constricts to prevent the outflow of urine and semen.

Cowper’s Glands:

Cowper’s Glands are a pair of exocrine glands located lateral to the urethra and inferior to the prostate. These pea-sized glands produce a thin alkaline fluid into the urethra that balances acid from the remaining urine in the urethra. When a man is sexually stimulated, the fluid enters the urethra before ejaculation, preparing the organ for the flow of semen.

male sexual organ image