How to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Sep 29, 2014 0 Comments in Erectile Dysfunction by
How to Prevent Prostate Cancer

How to Prevent Prostate Cancer

In order to lower your risk of prostate cancer, there are a number of things that you can do. Most of these come from just living a proper lifestyle, free of risk factors.

While these will not ensure the prevention of prostate cancer, as some factors are not preventable, following these lifestyle tips have been proven to help reduce the likelihood of prostate cancer.

6 Tips to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Sexuality After Prostate Removal1- First, you need to have a balanced diet and need to exercise as much as you can. Exercise is incredibly important for the body, and a proper diet can help provide the nutrients and vitamins to protect you. Key tips include:

a. Reducing the intake of red meat, fried foods and calcium intake to below 1,500 milligrams per day.

b. Reducing the intake of eggs has shown to reduce the instance of lethal prostate cancer by 81%. This was in a study of men who ate 2.5 eggs or more per week.

c. One study showed a strong correlation between prostate cancer and per-capita milk consumption.

d. Eating vegetables will also give you the nutrients you need to be healthy. Look for G-Bomb foods like greens, beans, onions, berries and seeds.

e. As for exercise, try to exercise at least three hours per week.

2- Keep away from smoking. Many studies have found that there is an increased risk for men who smoke, two packs or more a day, than those who do not smoke at all.

Sexuality After Prostate Removal

Sexuality After Prostate Removal

3- Stress is horrible for the body, as is high blood pressure, and depression. You need to be happy in your life to prevent damage to the body. Have fun, relax and get out of the situations that give you stress, because it can lead to cancer.

4- Multivitamins are great for you, but they should never be taken in excess. In fact, too many multivitamins just waste money because most of it them are water soluble and will just leave when you urinate. Instead, look to eat fruits and vegetables, especially organic varieties.

5- PSA screenings can help detect cancer, but not in the first three stages. Never rely on the PSA screenings to solely determine if you have cancer or not.

6- Zinc is important in maintaining prostate health. Cancerous prostates have much less zinc in them than cancer-free prostates. As a result, taking zinc supplements in moderation can help prevent the cancer.