Reasons for Testicular Pain

Nov 12, 2014 0 Comments in General Medical Posts, Infertility by
Reasons for Testicular Pain

Reasons for Testicular Pain

Located in the scrotum, testicles are egg-shaped sex glands, which are very sensitive. Testicle pain may arise from the coiled tube or the tissue behind the testicle.  Often testicular pain is often caused by infection or inflammation, known as epididymitis. Pain in the testicles starts in the abdomen, groin, hernia, or kidney stones and then spreads to the testicle glands, as epididymis is attached to testicles.

Testicular Pain Causes

Low Secretion Levels in Men Photo

Infections: Most infections in the scrotum during adolescence are sexually-transmitted bacterial infections, including gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

Trauma or sports injury: Sometimes testicle trauma due to sports injuries causes pain in the testicles.

Lumps: An injury sometimes results in lumps. However, lumps in the testicles could also be due to timorous cancer or testicular cancer. It is best to consult a doctor and get yourself diagnosed at the earliest.

Testicular torsion: This is a condition in which the spermatic cord twists. As a result, blood flow to testicles is blocked, causing acute scrotal pain and inflammation and even resulting in tissue death. In the event of tissue death, the affected testicle(s) need to be surgically removed, if not treated immediately. The situation is more common in newborns and males under 18 years of age.

Torsion of testicular appendages: Another reason for testicular pain is testicular appendix, which feels similar to testicular torsion. More commonly found in boys who are yet to achieve puberty, this condition involves twisting of appendages that have remained after embryonic development. Pain from this condition often subsides within a week. Proper diagnosis is critical to rule out the condition of testicular torsion.

male sexual organ imageInguinal hernia: In this condition, a part of intestines projects through the passageway connected to the scrotum. The common symptoms of this condition including sneezing, coughing, or lifting. Another common condition in young boys, inguinal hernia causes pain in scrotum and may be caused due to abdominal wall weakness at the time of birth; however, symptoms may start to appear only after adulthood. Hernia repair surgery may be required to correct the problem.

Pudendal nerve damage: Also known as cyclist’s syndrome or bicycle seat neuropathy, pudendal nerve damage may cause testicular pain due to pressure from prolonged bicycle riding. A painful type of nerve damage, pudendal neuropathy. Pudendal nerve transmits sensations to genitals.